My brain grapes got to thinking, and I finally decided why I like Kanye West (aside from I think he raps sick)... it's cause the somehow not incompatable levels of narcissism and self loathing that make up his stupid overblown public personna are probably the same as those that make up most people's personal lives (or at least mine). I hate myself so much, yet every ten minutes I'm reminded that I'm the best thing in the history of the universe. I have horrible image issues and wish I were a completely different person... yet I stare at myself in the mirror cause I'm a handsome, vain son of a bitch. Life is retarded. I am living it.
The useless brain rant ends here, so pay attention and check this out. Here's a song from way back in the day before he got famous when Bob Seger wanted to melt everybody's fucking faces off and rock the world to death:
Give this a watch...